JN Series

Ideal for working animals, a nail for difficult terrain. JN Series Optima horseshoe nails are best for running horses. Nail with an elevated cap that protrudes from the horseshoe, providing greater traction on difficult terrains. It’s unique design and angle make it easier to drive the nail inside the horseshoe.

Reference Length (mm) Carton Size
(boxes x nails)
JN-8 59 14 x 250 28 x 100
JN-7 55 14 x 250 28 x 100
JN-6 52 14 x 250 28 x 100
JN-5 49 14 x 250 28 x 100
JN-4 46 14 x 250 28 x 100
JN-3 43 14 x 250